Underestimating Children with Disabilities

developmental disorders dyslexia intellectual disorders learning potential Jan 08, 2020

I was taught in medical school that a person with intellectual disabilities could not have learning disabilities. I was also told that if a child had a developmental disorder such as autism, Down's Syndrome, or other disorders, they couldn't have other disorders, especially ADHD and learning disorders.

Well that was a long time ago and we now know that comorbidity is more common than originally thought. Children with Down's syndrome can have autism, ADHD,  and learning disorders. Children with intellectual disorders and chromosomal disorders can have mental health disorders, and in fact may be at greater risk due to their confusion and anxiety in dealing with the world around them.

But I still see children with intellectual developmental disorders being underestimated as to potential and co-existing learning problems which may be limiting their potential.  In this episode I discuss 2 young men who were not respected for their potential even within the framework of their diagnoses.

Have you underestimated a child recently? Now may be a good time to take another look.

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